Office location in Hurst
What Our Clients Say About Us

As Nate and I wait for the final decision from Judge Catterton (on pins and needles of course!), we have been reflecting on not only the things that happened in the courtroom on Tuesday, but on the things that have happened over the last two years. In these conversations we find that we repeat so often: “Thank goodness for Dan!” From encouraging us that we weren’t crazy to giving advice that has helped us stay sane during this process, to getting me to be quiet when I was trying to argue with Judge Beebe, we are so appreciative of you and the guidance you’ve provided. Above all, your experience and expertise in Judge Catterton’s court both times is so greatly appreciated. Thank you for advice and leadership regarding how to behave and what to expect in the courtroom, and for simply making arguments with regard the law while continually staying on the high road. No matter what the judge’s final decision is, we are confident that having your representation throughout the whole process was one of the best decisions that we made. We hope to not see you again and that our friends and acquaintances will not be in need of a family law attorney… but if asked, we will both highly recommend you.
Thanks also to Tammy and especially Kelsi who have been friendly, patient and helpful every time we needed anything from them!
Thanks again for everything.

Dear Mr. Bacalis: Thank you for helping me obtain custody of my son. You did a great job. You explained how everything would work and you predicted what my girlfriend would do.
My family and I really appreciate it. Thanks for helping me keep my attorneys fees and costs to a minimum. I also appreciate your help dealing with the Attorney General’s office on my behalf. If my friends or family need an attorney in the future, I will be happy to send them your way.

Dear Kelsi: I am very impressed and glad to see that there are caring and responsible people in the legal profession. I was beginning to lose hope. It is so refreshing to see information being sent to me without my having to beg for it. Awesome. It was nice meeting Dan yesterday and I look forward to meeting you when I return from the Philippines. I feel that I have finally found reliable and caring counsel. I can take a sigh of relief. Thanks and I appreciate your communication.

Good morning Dan, I appreciate your encouragement and fight when I came to you. I was really comfortable and at ease with the upcoming fight that I was going to encounter should this get ugly. I totally trusted your experience and knowledge of divorce fights and ugliness that comes with that. Words cannot express the security that I felt knowing that you are on my side.
I will forever be grateful to you and your staff.
- Always, F.T.