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Fall 2022 Daniel R. Bacalis Striving Solo Parent Scholarship Winner
Elizabeth Greimann

While Liz continues her academic journey, she is also raising her 16 year old son. From her essay, you learn of the struggles Liz has faced in recent years and the sacrifices she has had to make along the way. Liz’s writing exhibits her tenacity and desire to help others. We are honored to provide Liz with our $1000 scholarship award as she pursues her life ambitions.
Read Liz’s Essay:
My son has been fascinated with welding for years. He loves fire, metals, and fabrication ideas. He has been asking for an arc welder and materials to learn to weld. He's only sixteen. I am exploring options for him to get involved with professionals to weld. He visited a marble maker in West Virginia with his grandparents and enjoyed watching how the molten glass turned into marbles. I have looked into apprenticeship programs, but I think he needs to be a little older due to safety concerns. He saves metal pieces because he wants to melt them down. I want to help my son achieve his dreams and goals in life. In the process, I might learn some about welding too. We watch the shows on Netflix about welding and read books about it too. His dream is welding, and he also is interested in engineering. I will next talk about what caused me to go back to school. I'm in my thirties, and I am returning to school. My son needs to see a good example of me succeeding in life, even when things are challenging.
The coronavirus brought many challenges to the world, and I faced additional challenges. I was diagnosed with a brain tumor in February 2021. I had not been feeling well and I resigned from my career to take care of my health. I had a very stressful career, and this exasperated my health conditions. I struggled with this for months after I was diagnosed. I have turned a corner in life. I have doctors working with me on my health and there are medications that can help shrink my tumor over time. Hearing a doctor diagnose you with a brain tumor was devastating, but I have a great team of doctors, and they are optimistic about my prognosis.
I was a single mother when I was 17, and I was 12 classes short of completing my bachelor's degree. When I first reentered college finishing my degree helped my mental health and gave me something to do while I healed and took medications that made me feel sick often.
I am finishing my bachelor’s degree. I was accepted into a master’s program in information and communication science for the spring of 2023. I have earned the Dean’s list both semesters since returning in the Fall of 2021. My master’s program is 12 classes and then I will apply to law school.
I attend weekly therapy and I am following the recommendations of my doctors. I am taking time to hike, swim, and be outdoors when I am able. I love to create as well. I love to paint, do mosaics, acid etch, make bracelets, and wax melts. I'm always up for learning about new crafts. I like to try and find creative solutions to everyday problems. I had to do this frequently in my past work as a manager and in the office.
I have been volunteering for over a year at a local non-profit that helps underserved, lower income, mostly minority children that most have referrals from child protection services in an afterschool program for young women aged eight to eighteen that gives them a space to be heard while enriching them with mental health topics, fun activities, and a meal once a week. I helped organize two events where we gave back to the community with a self-care initiative, and I was able to gather supplies through fundraising with corporate donors for three hundred children.
I am interested in law as it is an ever-expanding field. I hope to use the skills I learn to make a difference in the world. I know I can find a way to leverage law and my passion for serving people. Someday I hope to help people like me as I have a lot of relatable experiences, I think I can use my story to help someone who has been through similar situations.
Scholarships like this make it possible for me to finish my degree and reach my potential. If chosen, this scholarship will help pay for one of my classes. My son is a sophomore in high school. I’m excited about the opportunity and the life I have ahead of me. I didn’t think a year ago I would b returning to school, but I am excited for the opportunity to change my life. I know how to be successful in life and have a bright future. I am excited to watch my son grow and learn. I know he will create and do great things as he is creative like me and has the intelligence and determination to succeed. Achieving my dreams will help my son achieve his as well.
Thank you for the opportunity and time to reviewing my application.