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Tips To Help Navigate Texas Custody and Conservatorship Disputes
Custody battles can be exhausting and overwhelming and create a whirlwind of emotions as parents go toe-to-toe with one another over the care of their child. You will want to employ effective strategies to overcome the obstacles ahead. One of the best strategies is to have an experienced family law attorney at your side throughout the proceedings. A skilled lawyer is ready to stand in the trenches alongside you every step of the way.
Uncontested Divorce and Mediation
Nobody wants a nasty custody battle that will dredge up the worst in both parties. It is best to avoid confrontation inside a courtroom, instead opting to figure out beforehand who will handle what regarding your children. Mediation is a terrific option for couples willing to cooperate to benefit their children and themselves. Finding common ground will not only help with the current custody situation but can also help establish co-parenting skills that will benefit everyone involved in the future.
Effective Communication Through Collaborative Law
Communicating effectively is a great way to voice your concerns and needs to the other spouse so that both sides are heard. Maintain an open line of communication with the other parent to demonstrate your willingness to cooperate. Similar to mediation, you and the other parent may have the option to undergo a collaborative divorce where you can decide on what is best for your children together. Collaborative law is not the best option for all couples, especially if there is a history of violence within the family. You could also have additional professionals help with any dispute you might have with the other parent. Something like a child custody evaluator could be invaluable in providing an unbiased assessment of your conservatorship situation.
Focus On The Children
Always keep your child’s best interests in mind when going through a custody battle. Every little action, negative or positive, can impact your child’s well-being. Remember to keep a level head when discussing things with the other parent, no matter how you feel about one another. You must display a strong commitment to cooperate with the other parent, as it will likely be very important to the judge when making a final decision.
Stay Involved With Your Child
Continue to maintain a presence within your child’s life, especially if you already attend parent-child functions like school events, teacher meetings, and extracurricular activities. Your involvement is crucial to demonstrating your interest in your child’s well-being. It can also strengthen the parent-child connection so that they know they are not alone, it is not their fault, and you love them dearly.
Contact a Tarrant County, TX Family Law Attorney
Child custody battles do not have to take place in a war zone. By effectively navigating the situation, cooperating with the other parent, and being proactive in your child’s life, you can walk away from the entire ordeal with minimal to no battle scars. An experienced Hurst, TX child custody lawyer can help in the fight. The firm of Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. is available and can provide a free consultation at 817-498-4105, where we can discuss a strategy for your child conservatorship endgame.