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Recent Texas Child Support Changes
Child support is a critical aspect of family law, and ensuring that children receive the financial support they deserve is a top priority for the Texas legal system. The Texas Legislature, along with Governor Greg Abbott's endorsement, has introduced significant amendments to the Texas Family Code (TFC) in the form of Senate Bills 869 and 870. These changes started on September 1, 2023, and aim to streamline and enhance the child support collection process in Texas.
To further understand the child support changes or any legal matters about child support, it is best to contact an attorney. They can explain the amendments and what they mean for you and your family going forward.
No More Transferring Inheritance to Avoid Overdue Payments
The change to TFC 154.004 prevents individuals with overdue child support payments from transferring their inherited property to someone else to avoid their financial obligations. This means that if someone owes child support and inherits money or property, the inheritance can be used to pay off the debt.
E-Signatures Allowed for Waivers of Citation
A welcome change comes to TFC 102.0091, permitting electronic signatures on waivers of citation in cases related to the Suit Affecting Parent-Child Relationship (SAPCR). It aligns with modern practices in documentation and expedites cases where a waiver of citation is needed.
New Email Address Changes
All final orders concerning children must include an updated email address for both parents. Children and families alike will benefit from this change as it should make communication easier.
Email addresses provide a reliable and efficient way for courts and parents to communicate with each other. This can be especially important in cases where the parents live in different states or have busy schedules.
Email communication can help to reduce the costs associated with litigation, such as the costs of postage and printing. It can also make it easier for parents to stay informed about their case and to participate in the court process, even if they are unable to attend court in person.
No Reduction in Unpaid Child Support
TFC section 157.263 prevents unpaid child support payments from being reduced regardless of who asks for it. The change reinforces that child support is a serious financial obligation that cannot be avoided. It also brings Texas state law in line with federal law.
Paternity Changes
An essential change to paternity suits comes with the change to TFC 160.604(c). Paternity suits will proceed even when the presumed father cannot be located. This change allows paternity issues to be resolved in situations where the presumed father's whereabouts are unknown.
No Limit Liens
Thanks to the amendment outlined in TFC 157.312, child support liens now last indefinitely. In addition, TFC 157.318(d) outlines that the expiration of real property child support liens can now be renewed.
Contact a Tarrant County Child Support Attorney
The recent changes to the Texas Family Code are a major step forward in enhancing the child support collection process. At Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C., we believe that these changes reflect the state's commitment to ensuring children get the financial support they need and deserve. For any questions or concerns, consult with an experienced Hurst, TX child support enforcement attorney for guidance. Call our office at 817-498-4105 for a free consultation.