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Offices in Hurst and Galveston

Overcoming obstacles during the adoption process

 Posted on October 31, 2016 in Divorce

Many people in Texas are unable to, or simply choose not to, have biological children of their own. Such decisions are intensely personal and circumstances and/or opinions may change throughout a lifetime. If you have decided to welcome children from other birth parents into your home and family, the process, although often joyful and exciting, is not without its challenges. Identifying facts versus myths, as well as seeking clarification of the laws that govern such matters, can help you (and all prospective adoptive parents) make informed decisions, moving forward toward happy and successful futures.

Don't be fooled by adoption myths

Especially, if this is your first time navigating the adoption process in the United States, you may have difficulty determining fact from fiction. Just because a well-intended friend or relative may seem to know a lot about adoption, doesn't mean that the information offered is true. Following is a list of common myths that tend to confuse those considering adoption:

  • Birth parents can never contact adoptive families - Some think once birth parents sign an adoption agreement, they are signing away all their rights to future contact. Often, the lines of communication remain open between the birth and adoptive parents long after an adoption is finalized.
  • It's not good for children to have contact with birth parents - In fact, it has actually been proved on many occasions that having adoptive parents and birth parents maintain contact can be very beneficial in helping an adopted child adjust to a new family and lifestyle.
  • International adoption is only for celebrities - Although, many stories of Hollywood stars adopting children from other countries exist, this form of adoption is by no means exclusive to those who are famous.

Making sure the information you receive is factual can alleviate confusion and help you develop a thorough plan to meet your family's immediate and long-term adoption goals. Regardless whether you choose a domestic or international adoption, gaining clear understanding of the rules and regulations can help you avoid various obstacles along the way.

Where to turn for adoption support

There are no doubt many preparations involved when getting ready to welcome an adopted child into a family. From decorating a special room for a child to call his or her own to finding information on the more complex aspects of the process, it is understandable that you may need outside support. There are many ways in which an experienced family law attorney can assist you, including:

  • Helping to determine the best option for making or maintaining contact with a birth parent
  • Exploring available adoption agencies in your area and choosing one that best aligns with your particular needs
  • Clarifying state and federal adoption laws
  • Discussing potential forms of cost reduction

By reaching out to an experienced advocate for support, you may be able to save time and money as you make your dreams for expanding your family come true. It is always best to gain as much information as possible before making any final decisions.

Many prospective adoptive parents in Texas have specific requirements in mind, such as only wanting to adopt a child of a certain age or from a particular country. Birth parents themselves may also set certain restrictions on who is able to adopt their children. Some situations are at risk for becoming quite contentious, making outside intervention essential. With sound counsel and effective representation, you can take the first steps toward bringing your adoption dreams to fruition.

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