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How Do I Handle Post-Divorce Holiday Depression? | IL

 Posted on September 23,2024 in Divorce

Hurst, TX divorce lawyerFall is just around the corner, which means the holidays are closer than many of us might wish. While many marriages end, this was your marriage, and depression during the holidays is very real. The connection between spouses – particularly those with children together – does not always end when the divorce papers are signed. A judge’s orders dividing assets or custody decisions are temporary but can have long-term effects. Even so, you have many years ahead filled with graduations, birthdays, marriages, and the ordinary rituals of the holidays.

Whether you have children or not, chances are you will find yourself alone on a holiday at some point. Your ex may have already moved on with another person, which can add insult to injury. There are things you can do to help yourself through these difficult times. You may also want to speak to your Hurst, TX divorce attorney from Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C., who can help you see that this period of your life is temporary and that your future holds promise.

Can You Actually Enjoy the Holidays After Your Divorce?

Some ways you can deal with your depression during the holiday season include:

  • Set boundaries. If you need to decline an invitation because you are uncomfortable attending alone or leave an event early, give yourself a break and do what you need to do.

  • If you are feeling anxious about an upcoming holiday, make plans to spend it with those you have good relationships with, whether that includes close friends or family members.

  • Consider engaging in charity work during a holiday. This can help you remember all the good things you still have in your life despite your divorce.

  • Stay away from social media, as it generally offers a skewed perspective of the lives of others, making you feel bad about your own.

  • Seek support. Depression is never something you should take lightly. If you have done everything you can on your own, and you are still feeling anxious and depressed, consider seeing a therapist to discuss your feelings or find a trusted friend you can confide in.

How Can You Make the Holidays Happy for Your Children?

Your children can help you get out of your own headspace by viewing holidays from their perspective rather than your own. This can be a real challenge; if there were children involved, your last words to your spouse when the divorce was complete might have been, "I never want to see you again."

When you have children, this is simply not a practical solution. Your children deserve holiday celebrations regardless of the divorce. Additional ways to address your own emotions while making the holidays festive include:

  • If your children are spending an upcoming holiday with their other parent, get into the holiday spirit by decorating your home and perhaps setting up times to visit your own family and friends while the children are gone rather than being alone.

  • Acknowledge what you have lost, then do your best to let go of anger and remember everything you still have.

  • While it may sound trite, love means more than money. Your children will appreciate your time and attention as much as expensive gifts. If you are short of money, plan activities with your children that do not cost much but involve laughter and fun.

  • Establish new traditions with your children that are different from past family rituals. Make the holidays special in ways they will remember.

Contact an Experienced Tarrant County, TX Divorce Lawyer

The holidays can be tough for many people, and those who have just gone through a divorce may face an additional helping of depression when the holiday season sets in. Divorce attorneys understand all the emotions and stages of grief that often accompany divorce and can offer resources to help you through tough times. Having a compassionate Hurst, TX divorce lawyer from Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. can help you get through the upcoming holidays in the best way possible. Call 817-498-4105 to schedule your free consultation.

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