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Custody Disputes Can Get Heated. Here Are Some Things to Avoid
Whether you are getting divorced or filing a Suit Affecting the Parent Child Relationship (SAPCR), you need to create a parenting plan that resolves issues of custody and visitation. Custody can be the most difficult issue that parents of minor children have to resolve, and there may be ongoing conflict for as long as the children are under the age of legal adulthood.
When this conflict gets heated, one or both parents may behave poorly. Unfortunately, it is common for parents to use their children as weapons against each other to resolve past personal differences. One parent may wrongly try to obtain sole custody or alienate the children emotionally from their other parent. Other times, a parent may have legitimate concerns about whether the other parent is abusive, neglectful, or otherwise unfit. Whatever the circumstances in your child custody dispute case, it is essential to have a Texas custody attorney who can advise you throughout the process - and to avoid these three common mistakes.
Putting Your Kids at the Center of the Conflict
Although a child custody dispute is undoubtedly about your children, the entire purpose is to determine the children’s best interests and to make sure the court custody order protects that. No matter the outcome of the case, there is no question that exposing children to parental conflict is not in their best interests. In fact, studies on the subject show that the most damaging part of divorce for children is typically getting placed in the middle of their parents’ fights and feeling as though they have to make a choice between their parents.
Demonizing Your Ex
Even if you are disgusted by your ex’s tactics during the custody dispute, you will never give a positive impression to a judge by deliberately making your ex out to be a terrible person. If there is legitimately concerning behavior, such as past or present abuse and neglect, it is important to be objective and to rely on evidence and external testimony as much as possible. You will have to testify in front of a judge, but judges have experience with parents who exaggerate complaints and lie. If you get caught, your allegations could backfire against you, even if they are partially true.
Complaining or Venting on Social Media
You might want to publicly talk about your ex or the case, but when it comes to social media during divorce, silence is the best policy. Never talk about the case on your social media profiles, and be cautious even on private messaging. You never know who could see the messages, and once something is sent, it could potentially become evidence in court.
Schedule a Free Consultation with a Hurst, TX Custody Lawyer
If you are beginning or already going through a custody dispute, it is essential to have the help of a Tarrant County, TX child custody attorney who will help you protect your relationship with your child. You can schedule a free consultation with the office of Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. to meet our team and learn more about your options and how we might handle your case. Call 817-498-4105 today.