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Hurst Divorce Attorney

Hurst Divorce Lawyer Serving Texas

Tarrant County Divorce Lawyer

There are multiple types of situations where a family may need to address legal issues. Many family law cases will involve the divorce or separation of a married couple. However, unmarried couples may also need to resolve disputes related to their children, and other family members may also need to address legal concerns. The decisions made in these cases can have significant, long-lasting effects on family relationships and finances, and to ensure that the rights and interests of family members will be protected, it is essential to have legal representation.

Daniel R. Bacalis, P.C. provides legal help in multiple types of family law cases, and our firm works to ensure that spouses, parents, or other family members can address and resolve their legal issues effectively. We also help families address their estate planning needs. Contact our office at 817-498-4105 to set up a free consultation today.

Family Law

Family Law

family law

Family court cases can be complicated, and they may involve disputes between parents or other family members, the creation of financial support obligations, or the establishment or termination of parental rights and responsibilities. By approaching these matters correctly with the assistance of an attorney, a person can make sure they are taking the right steps to protect their rights and maintain important family relationships.

Our firm assists with multiple types of family law issues. In addition to helping resolve disputes related to child conservatorship and visitation, we can also address grandparents' rights, paternity actions, and domestic violence. We can also help couples create pre-marital and post-marital agreements, and we can work with clients to determine whether family mediation may be a good solution for resolving their disputes.


Parents, children, and other family members can benefit from the adoption of a child. We work to ensure that families can complete the adoption process successfully, including in stepparent adoptions, international adoptions, and other types of adoption cases.

Child Custody

Parents who plan to divorce or unmarried parents who are separating will need to create agreements detailing how they will share custody of their children. We can help ensure that children's best interests will be protected in sole or joint custody arrangements.

Child Support

During a divorce, child custody, or paternity case, parents will be required to provide for their children's financial needs. We can make sure child support obligations are calculated correctly, ensuring that children will have the necessary financial resources.

Hire a Board Certified Family Law Attorney

Board Certified

The Texas Board of Legal Specialization recognizes lawyers who have the knowledge, experience, and skills to provide clients with high-quality legal representation. As a board certified family law specialist, Attorney Daniel Bacalis has nearly 40 years of experience assisting with multiple types of cases, and he can ensure that families will be able to address their legal issues correctly.

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Board Certified



The dissolution of a marriage will involve multiple types of legal and financial issues, as well as practical considerations related to the spouses' living arrangements and their relationships with their children and other family members. Those who are planning to get a divorce or who have already begun the separation process will need to understand their rights, the procedures they will need to follow, and the best ways of resolving any disputes they may encounter.

We provide representation for spouses in both contested and uncontested divorce cases. We work to help our clients gain a full understanding of the laws that will affect their cases, and we make sure they are always fully informed about their options. We can provide guidance for those who are planning to use divorce mediation to negotiate a settlement, and we can also help address post-divorce modifications and enforcement.


Complex Divorce

There are multiple issues that may complicate the divorce process, including contentious disputes between spouses, misuse of property or finances, or misbehavior such as adultery that took place during a couple's marriage. We can ensure that these issues will be addressed correctly while protecting our clients' rights.


Marital Property Division

A couple's community property includes all assets and debts they acquired while they were married, and this property will need to be divided between the spouses fairly. We work to help our clients negotiate property settlements, including in cases involving complex property issues such as family-owned businesses.

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"I am very impressed and glad to see that there are caring and responsible people in the legal profession. I was beginning to lose hope. It is so refreshing to see information being sent to me without my having to beg for it..."

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Fall is just around the corner, which means the holidays are closer than many of us might wish. While many marriages end, this was your marriage, and depression during the holidays is very real. The connection between spouses – particularly... Read More »


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